
Bishop Sutton Pre-School has been based in the schoolroom at what is now “The Link” (formerly Bishop Sutton Methodist Church) since it began in 1969. Our location and facilities are among our biggest assets.

With a spacious schoolroom and two lovely outdoor play areas we can offer children that all important space to run around, play and explore while parents can rest assured that their children are safe, secure and most importantly, happy.

We use every resource we can to extend and enhance our children’s learning. We are lucky to be part of a beautiful area and we take every opportunity to allow the children to explore and flourish in their community.

We think our Pre-School is pretty special and judging by the smiles and laughter that dominate our day the children think so too. But don’t take our word for it — come and see for yourself. Parents and carers are always welcome to visit.


We take children form the age of two and we do take children in nappies.

  • Scheduled sessions are £6.15 per hour. Ad hoc sessions are £7.00 per hour.
  • There is a £3.50 consumables fee payable per session when using funded hours.
  • We charge a £30 joining administration fee per child.
  • ‘Green space’ charge of £4.00 per session for our Forest Club
  • Fees not paid by the payment date stated will incur a £20 surcharge.
  • We participate in various childcare schemes.
  • You are now able to claim up to 24 hours per week towards your fees. To see if you are eligible follow this link –
Price per hour£6.15
Consumables per session£3.50
Ad hoc (per hour) session£7.00
Green space (Forest Club)£4.00
Starting administration fee£30
Late payments on fees£20

Some of Ofsted’s comments from our inspection in September 2022

“Children benefit exceedingly well from an enticing learning environment that meets

their needs and interests highly successfully.”

“They benefit greatly from attentive staff who demonstrate how to use tools and resources and provide clear explanations.”

“Staff interact exceptionally well, asking about their creations, encouraging colour recognition and exploring number and early calculation.”

“Children show excitement in their learning and thrive from the extremely positive interactions from staff”

“The inspiring curriculum is very well designed and embedded into practice by knowledgeable staff. Staff carefully consider children’s interests, learning styles

and what they need to learn next. They adapt the curriculum exceptionally well

to ensure children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are fully


“Staff use their training exceptionally well to support children’s storytelling skills.

Children listen well to the active story making. They copy the signs, such as ‘once upon a time’, and become enthralled. They join in with repeated phrases enthusiastically. Children recall the story exceptionally well and use it in their independent role play.”

“Staff facilitate learning exceptionally well so that children can progress their own ideas.”

“Children build exceptional bonds with caring staff from the outset”

The inspirational management team are excellent role models. Staff, including those who are working towards a qualification, receive excellent support for developing their professional skills.”

Ofsted September 2022


You can download our Prospectus, Privacy Notice and Local Offer.

Ofsted’s 2022 inspection of the Pre-School & Forest Club is also available read:

Pre-school report. Forest Club report.

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